Email: toje(na)skodanekoupit(tecka)cz
Pity not to buy s.r.o.
Viktora Huga 11, Praha 5, 150 00, Czech Republic
CRN: 14209357 We are not a VAT payer.
IBAN: CZ84 2010 0000 0022 0211 6924 (EUR)
Variable symbol / Reference: number of the order
Not available. The address of the business is not the same as that of the manufacturing plant. It can be used only for submitting complaints.
NOTICE: All products listed on this website ARE NOT products of the particular car producers, and the operator of the website is not a distributor of official products of the particular companies, unless explicitly stated. The project is about selling fan items while its profit is used for renovating a historical vehicle ŠKODA MB 1000.