Painting Fiat 500

Painting Fiat 500

Printed painting Fiat 500
Dimensions: 80x50 cm
Pack: frame + canvas
Frame type: hidden
Production technique: Canvas print
Price: € 60,05
Availability: 18 days ? Once you pay for the product, we include it in the production process. Delivery time is calculated from the date of payment of the order.

Painting Fiat 500

Painting with the motive of car Fiat 500 is completely digitally made by graphic and designer Zdeněk Chalupa by pseudonym “SOLARIS”. The painting is digitally printed on canvas with high resolution and deep colours. The painting is supplied with a dismantled frame like a construction toy. The frame is supplied with self-adhesive tape, to which you attach the canvas for an easier stretch. All parts for at-home assembly are inside the package. All you need is a hammer and scissors. Painting Fiat 500 will become the centre of attention in any room.

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